Posts tagged health and wellness magazine
Democratizing Wellness

When you think of wellness, what do you think of? What images and thoughts pop into your head? And who do you think of? Maybe it’s green smoothies. Waking up early, putting on Lululemons, and doing yoga. Your local soccer mom stopping at Whole Foods on the way back from Barry’s Bootcamp. The superfoods aisle of the grocery store.

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Lather, Rinse, Repeat, and Learn: The Chemistry of Hair Care

Everyday, we use products assuming they will do what is marketed without much question. And, hair care products are no exception. Washing hair is important for sanitary wellness, and knowing what is in the lather helps. It turns out that only a few ingredients actually serve the product’s purpose.

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Keeping FOMO in Check: Developing Healthy Social Media Habits

As you scroll through beautiful pictures, unique experiences, and amusing content on social media, you may feel excited and inspired by the posts you see! But, sometimes this initial feeling of awe manifests itself into FOMO–the fear of missing out–taking a jab at your own self-confidence.

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