Posts tagged Nancy Romo
Can Night Shift Help You Sleep Better?

Recently, Apple introduced Night Shift: an automatic software that adjusts the light on our device’s screen to imitate the warmer light spectrum. While it has been observed that a simple switch in color can potentially affect sleep and overall wellness, should we depend on Night Shift, or sleep on it?

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Befriending Stress for the Better

Stress is commonly seen as a threat to our productivity and wellbeing. College students are notoriously known for being one of the most stressed-out groups in society. But what if we reinterpreted stress for the better? Discover why stress may actually be a friend, and not a foe.

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Paper vs Digital: Choosing the Best Note-Taking Method for You

A new quarter means new classes with new professors to take notes from. With Fall Quarter online, many students have started to taking notes digitally while others stay true to the good old-fashioned pen and paper. The question is, how should you take notes?

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A Recipe for Good Hygiene

It’s easy to see that the pandemic has changed our daily routines and how we interact with each other. Hygienic practices like washing our hands and social distancing are emphasized now more than ever. But what has not been emphasized as much is proper hygiene in our own kitchens!

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Lather, Rinse, Repeat, and Learn: The Chemistry of Hair Care

Everyday, we use products assuming they will do what is marketed without much question. And, hair care products are no exception. Washing hair is important for sanitary wellness, and knowing what is in the lather helps. It turns out that only a few ingredients actually serve the product’s purpose.

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