Posts tagged depression
Destigmatizing Mental Health Medication

Although the topic of mental health is becoming increasingly normalized, there remains an overwhelming amount of stigma around mental health disorders, particularly in regards to medication. Let’s delve deeper into why stereotypes surrounding mental illness and medication are unfounded.

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Slouching and Feeling Slumped: How Posture Can Affect Your Mental Health

Do you ever feel your back hurting after a particularly long Zoom session? Now that we’re working from home, we’re also spending a lot more time sitting for hours on end, making it easy to hunch over as we become fatigued.

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Helping Someone Through Panic Attacks and Anxiety

Panic attacks and anxiety disorders are becoming more and more common, especially due to the increasing amount of stress one goes through in today’s world. So what can you do when a friend suffering from panic attacks or anxiety turns to you for help?

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