Posts tagged cooking
The Recipes That Brought Us Together: Plant-based Edition

Today, plant-based eating is gaining popularity as a way for people to express their beliefs about ethics, the environment, or wellness. It may seem daunting at first, but hopefully these recipes and perspectives from food bloggers Lisa Kitahara and Murielle Banackissa can inspire you!

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A Recipe for Good Hygiene

It’s easy to see that the pandemic has changed our daily routines and how we interact with each other. Hygienic practices like washing our hands and social distancing are emphasized now more than ever. But what has not been emphasized as much is proper hygiene in our own kitchens!

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Device-Free Activities to Do During Your Free Time

The amount of time we spend staring at our screens can add up and strain our eyes. We should be mindful about giving our eyes a break. Here are some fun activities that can be a great alternative to looking at our devices.

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Supercharging Your Student Life with Notion

As college students, we often have to juggle many different aspects of life simultaneously. And keeping track of classes, extracurriculars, job applications, hobbies, cooking, and social activities in parallel can get overwhelming.

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