Posts tagged productivity
Downtime is Productive: Eliminating The Shame around Self-Care

Work-related exhaustion, or burnout, is an increasingly common phenomenon negatively affecting human health on a global scale. By familiarizing yourself with the signs of burnout and learning to harness the power of downtime, you’ll be on your way to a new decade of prolific success.

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Befriending Stress for the Better

Stress is commonly seen as a threat to our productivity and wellbeing. College students are notoriously known for being one of the most stressed-out groups in society. But what if we reinterpreted stress for the better? Discover why stress may actually be a friend, and not a foe.

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Supercharging Your Student Life with Notion

As college students, we often have to juggle many different aspects of life simultaneously. And keeping track of classes, extracurriculars, job applications, hobbies, cooking, and social activities in parallel can get overwhelming.

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Going Offline: What Really Happens During a Digital Detox